The April Full Moon is Upon Us

The April Full Moon is upon us. Our friend, Gahl - @cosmic_navigator - has this beautiful astrological full moon and spring holiday wisdom & guidance for us:​​​​​​​​
"Both Passover & Easter are linked to the Full Moon in Libra, which in 2022 takes place on Saturday, April 16... The Moon in Libra is associated with the Tarot card “Two of Swords." The card represents an opening created in the wake of a spiritual decision (Libra is connected to decisions, judgments, + balancing the scales). That spiritual decision is depicted in the stories of the two holidays: Passover & Easter. And in case you don’t recall making any major spiritual decision recently, well, we did it for you. The decision is collective: coming out of whatever darkness you might feel or experience & jumping into the light. Out of Egypt we walk to the Promised Land. Out of the cave we emerge into divinity.​​​​​​​​
What does this Aries/Libra transformation entail? It is a decision (Libra) to listen to the call of action (Aries) in spite of the strong urge to resist & refuse it. Miracles only happen to those who get out of their comfort zone, trust themselves, + act on their own before the cavalry could come to the rescue. This is the season of action, but also of intimacy with the divine... This time of the year, so it seems, God’s channels are wide open for communication: your higher-self is a bit closer, your guardian angel a tiny more reachable, + dreams try harder to be remembered.​​​​​​​​
We are also blessed this year with a triple conjunction of scaredness: Billions of people around the globe will be focused on their spiritual practices this week since Passover & Easter fall during Ramadan, another holiday commemorating a revelation... This convergence of the three holidays happens every 33 years (the age Jesus died on the cross)...​​​​​​​​
I wish you all a wonderful Full Moon, Passover, Easter & Ramadan.