February 25, 2021
Hair as an Extension of the Nervous System

The hair is an extension of the nervous system due to the hair being functional as well as ornamental. When someone touches your hair, you feel it not because there are nerves in the hair, but because the hair is so sensitively connected to the scalp. The hair shaft itself does not have nerves in it, however there are many nerves that sit in the scalp around the hair follicle and the hair root. We recognize that the hair is part of the bloodstream and belongs to our body, the same as our eyes and teeth, and it must be fed by the digestive system. The hair has its roots right in the blood as well as in the scalp, as every hair shaft has a hair bed in the skin of the scalp, with a bulb at the end of the hair root through which the hair then draws nutrition from the blood.
The hair contains a food substance called keratin, which contains great quantities of silicon. Most of the hair follicle that appears above the scalp is composed primarily of keratin, sulfur, and silicon. Your hair is also a receptor. It keeps us magnetically balanced because it holds the greatest amount of silicon in our body and silicon is the element known as the “feeling” element of our body as silicon is the primary element that transmits messages throughout the spine and nervous system. Silicon is the magnetic element in the body. You may remember the science in grade school where we took a rubber balloon and rubbed it on a sweater where it built up a static charge, then held it above the head and your would hair stand up. It was a science experiment proving that the hair holds an electromagnetic charge and you would “feel” the hair.
If we honor tribes throughout history, certainly in the Eastern culture of yoga and yogis and the Native American tribes, the hair was always grown long and often was tied up on top of the head. Most yogis will say the hair acts like an antenna, a receptor at the crown chakra where the pineal gland sits. Many medical doctors understand that the hair must be taken care of the same as the teeth, because when the hair begins to deteriorate, it can be assumed the whole body is deteriorating. And anything that interferes with fresh blood getting to the head can be considered one of the first things that prevents the proper development of good hair and just like the teeth, the hair is not replaceable. When the root in the tooth dies, the tooth is dead. When the hair root dies, the hair is dead.
When we talk about the hair and the nervous system it is in relation to the effects on the blood and nutrition getting to the root and scalp to feed the hair. In cases of high fevers or where the nervous system is breaking down due to stress or poor nutrition, that these things can cause the hair to thin or fall out. When we are tired it is difficult to get fresh blood to the head simply because tired tissue cannot force the blood against gravity, as well a tight scalp keeps the blood from circulating to the hair and roots. Poor eating habits are one way we neglect our body, as well as our other daily habits that can either add or decrease stress on the body and therefore the nervous system. The hair needs care the same way as anything that has a root. In order to grow a flourishing, vibrant plant we need to give it a balanced ration of good soil, nutrients, water, and sunshine. The hair requires the same nurturing, nutrition, and care. When you see a plant deprived of that attention and care, it begins to deteriorate. When the hair starts to deteriorate it is a signal that nutrition deep within the body requires attention.
The hair contains a food substance called keratin, which contains great quantities of silicon. Most of the hair follicle that appears above the scalp is composed primarily of keratin, sulfur, and silicon. Your hair is also a receptor. It keeps us magnetically balanced because it holds the greatest amount of silicon in our body and silicon is the element known as the “feeling” element of our body as silicon is the primary element that transmits messages throughout the spine and nervous system. Silicon is the magnetic element in the body. You may remember the science in grade school where we took a rubber balloon and rubbed it on a sweater where it built up a static charge, then held it above the head and your would hair stand up. It was a science experiment proving that the hair holds an electromagnetic charge and you would “feel” the hair.
If we honor tribes throughout history, certainly in the Eastern culture of yoga and yogis and the Native American tribes, the hair was always grown long and often was tied up on top of the head. Most yogis will say the hair acts like an antenna, a receptor at the crown chakra where the pineal gland sits. Many medical doctors understand that the hair must be taken care of the same as the teeth, because when the hair begins to deteriorate, it can be assumed the whole body is deteriorating. And anything that interferes with fresh blood getting to the head can be considered one of the first things that prevents the proper development of good hair and just like the teeth, the hair is not replaceable. When the root in the tooth dies, the tooth is dead. When the hair root dies, the hair is dead.
When we talk about the hair and the nervous system it is in relation to the effects on the blood and nutrition getting to the root and scalp to feed the hair. In cases of high fevers or where the nervous system is breaking down due to stress or poor nutrition, that these things can cause the hair to thin or fall out. When we are tired it is difficult to get fresh blood to the head simply because tired tissue cannot force the blood against gravity, as well a tight scalp keeps the blood from circulating to the hair and roots. Poor eating habits are one way we neglect our body, as well as our other daily habits that can either add or decrease stress on the body and therefore the nervous system. The hair needs care the same way as anything that has a root. In order to grow a flourishing, vibrant plant we need to give it a balanced ration of good soil, nutrients, water, and sunshine. The hair requires the same nurturing, nutrition, and care. When you see a plant deprived of that attention and care, it begins to deteriorate. When the hair starts to deteriorate it is a signal that nutrition deep within the body requires attention.
Follow along on our website for some healthy hair activation tips that can really help with getting you to your healthiest scalp and hair.